Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This is a blog that I wrote for my school. However, I really DID find this interesting so I posted it in my blog.

By the way, this explains a previous post "Useless Fact?? #3"

Yesterday, I learned something new. Something that shocked and surprised me. How can something that is so similar be so different? This surprise came when the teachers and I were talking about weddings.

Spain and the USA celebrate weddings in the same way. The bride and groom go to church, dressed in a suit and a beautiful white dress, exchange vows in front of a priest, give each other rings and finish with a kiss. Then, afterwards, there is a wedding reception where everyone eats good food, dances, and has fun till late at night.

You are probably wondering: where is the difference? And the difference is in how you PAY for the wedding!

I just learned that in Spain, guests give 'envelopes' to the bride and groom with money in it. Inside, there should be enough money to not only pay for your meal, but also some extra money for the new husband and wife. This means that the guests are the ones who pay for the wedding and, if there is enough extra, the honeymoon as well!

In the USA, we don't do that at all. Originally, the father of the bride pays for the wedding. Now, either the bride and groom pay for the wedding or the parents of BOTH the couple pay. And they pay for the whole wedding. That's right. The whole thing. Guests don't pay for anything. Instead, they give gifts (and the gifts are usually for the house). Some people may give money as a gift, but it's usually not enough to cover a meal and definitely not enough to pay for the wedding.

Thinking about it, now I understand why Spanish weddings are so big. People would tell me how there were 300 or more people in a wedding. I thought that was really big since the average size of an American wedding is about 100 people. I always wondered how someone could afford to pay for all those people, and the answer is that they don't! The guests pay for themselves. Incredible!

Now my Spanish friends are joking, saying how I should get married in Spain because it would be cheaper for me. I might even get extra money! I told them that wasn't the case. If I married a Spanish man, my husband's family and friends would definitely pay for themselves. However, following American/Colombian custom, I'm definitely paying for my friends and family. Looking at the good side, at least my wedding will be 50% cheaper. ;-)