Monday, February 11, 2008

My Name is Justina

“Hola. Me llamo Justina.”

That’s what I would have said a long time ago… about 80 years ago if I had been born in Spain. Turns out that Spain was (and in some degree still is) quite a Catholic country. It was thanks to the dictator Franco who was an extremely religious guy. Since he ruled all, he used the Catholic calendar where each date had a saint’s name on it. What ever date you happened to be born on… WHAM! You ended up with that saint’s name. Like it or not. So if you were born on Saint Julia day, then your name would have either been Julia or Julio, depending obviously on your gender.

I was born on Saint Justo day, which means my name would have been Justina.

Thank goodness Franco didn’t pick my name! I like my name just the way it is. (Thanks Mom and Dad! :-) )

P.S. If you would like to know what your name could-have-been-but-never-was, tell me your birth date and I will let you know! :-)


run.happy said...

that's a cool bit of info. does each country have its own day of saints? i actually like the name Justina, I do think it'd be a bit creepy if everyone born on my birthdate had the exact same name as me. Then again, it would be easier to remember people's birthdays!

Capp_Gal said...

I'm going to guess that all countries have the same saints in their calendar since saints are mostly Catholic and the Vatican rules all.

Wonder what they've done when twins are born. Or triplets! :-)

M Cappiello said...

the weird thing is that you and i would both be called Justina! I would be Justina 1 and you justina 2. ;)

that is really interesting mel!

Capp_Gal said...

Actually, I think you would be Maria Justina and I would be Justina Maria. The question is, what happens when there are triplets?!?! Things that make you go Hmmmm... ;-)