Monday, March 3, 2008

Kids Say The Darnest Things #2

This story did not happen to me but to one of the teachers in my school. It is a little in the dark side, but what the kids say is interesting. This is what happened:

This teacher has one specific kid in class who has a LOT of troubles at home and has emotional problems. He gets psychological help, but this specific day seemed to be a bad day for him.

The teacher was lecturing and she happened to look over towards the kid. She saw him take his scissors (which are those baby-safe scissors) and start to pretend to cut his wrists, saying, “I’m cutting my wrists! I’m cutting my wrists!” Then he took his scissors and started stabbing himself in the stomach, saying, “I’m going to kill myself! I’m going to kill myself!”

And what do the kids around him say? Did they cry out for him to stop? Tell him not to hurt himself? Or let him know everything would be ok? We wish! Instead, they started saying things like: “You can’t KILL yourself that way!” “If you really want to kill yourself, you should jump out the window!” “Does scissors won’t kill you.” “Yeah. You need to use the teacher’s scissors! They will do the trick!”

So in the end, the kids gave him advice on how to kill himself. Isn’t that crazy?? Kids definitely say the darnest things!

(Again, he is getting help. Thankfully. He’s a good kid, but obviously in a lot of pain. Poor guy. :-/)

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