Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Useless Fact #1

In high school, there used to be a show called The Animeniacs. I rarely watched this show though there is one episode I still remember today.

I remember the episode clearly. One little cartoon guy goes up to another and says "Did you know! That a termite can live up to 40 years?" The other cartoon guy looks amazed by this fact and nods approvingly by this new information. And I too was amazed by this fact! How could a termite live for that long? Then the cartoon showed a quick flash of a little old lady termite, with glasses and wrinkles, talking to its little grand-termites. Then it flashed back to the two cartoon guys, who turned to look at the audience and said, "ANOTHER... uuuuuse-less fact."

And I started laughing. It was so funny! Mostly because it is true! Knowing how long termites live IS useless information! It is interesting, but useless. And yes, practically 10 years later, I still remember that fact and that episode.

So, what is the point of this story? Well, I've decided to have a "Useless Fact" section in my blog! It is for those random pieces of information that I encounter in my trip that are useless, but VERY interesting! :-)

Here we go!


That in England, the number 1 most popular food to eat is an Indian dish? I can't remember the name exactly, but it is made of curry and chicken (coronation chicken? ).

A Brittish cook I met told me that England really didn't have a specific cousine. However, when a lot of Indians immigrated to England, the English adopted their way of cooking, especially curry. So this curry chicken dish has replaced Fish and Chips all over the country! It is the #1 food the Brittish cook at home! Isn't that interesting?

Another! Useless fact. ;-)


Greg said...

The only good thing to eat in the United Kingdom is Indian food! I lived on it for over a week when I went! Hahahaha! Enjoying the blog, keep it up :)

Capp_Gal said...

Great! Confirmation by real experience that Useless Fact #1 is true! woohoo! Guess the Brittish cook wasn't lying ;-) (and by the way, at the time, he was cooking Indian food :-) )

M Cappiello said...

heheh! i like the useless fact info! but its also interesting. thats why we both remember the termites!